Chimasters :: Chi Healing

Chi Healing


Chi Healing


Group Healing & Self Healing with Master Lu now available.

Change your life now!

 Make it your Intention to Live a Life of Health and Happiness


Be part of these one hour Group Healing Sessions and receive Chi Balancing and Master Lu’s Power Chi Healing Energy (suitable for all ages and health problems) . 


Enhance the quality of your life – learn traditional Chinese Self Healing Techniques that will help restore and maintain your health and vitality.


Live Happier.  Live Healthier

and become the person you were destined to be.


 For details and bookings:  please go to the "Seminars & Courses"  section of our website


Private Healing Sessions with Master Lu available by appointment only.

To make an appointment for a private healing session please call Chi Masters on 03 9380 9200

Tuesday - Friday 12:00pm - 5:00pm